How-To Guides

Remember those little booklets that came in the case when you bought a physical game disk? Yeah, I miss those too. I'm sure you weren't expecting anything cool or fun here, but you're in the right place if you're looking for assistance with the site.

The following steps are here to help guide you in your recruiting journey. To start: click the topic you're having difficulties with and follow along with the instructions.

If you're still stuck after following the steps or it's not working as expected, don't hesitate to reach out or submit a ticket.

Create an account

The only requirement for creating an account on XIV Recruit is that you have a Discord account. The site utilizes the Discord OAuth2 methods to securely verify you and keep you logged in to this site. Simply click "Login" and Discord will prompt you to authorize XIV Recruit.

Discord Authorization
Fig.1 - Authorize XIV Recruit to your Discord account

If you'd prefer not to create an account, you are always welcome to browse the listings without logging in.

If you'd like to learn more about what we collect and how we store and share your information you can review our Privacy Policy.

Add and verify characters to start looking for a static

After logging in, visit the My Characters page to set up your character(s). Follow the instructions to add a new character and prepare to update your character's Lodestone profile to include the verification code provided to you.

Character Profile Verification
Fig.2.1 - Visit your character profile on the Lodestone and enter your verification code into your Lodestone profile
Confirm your Lodestone profile description
Fig.2.2 - Confirm your profile description, the Lodestone will ask you to click "Confirm" twice before it saves

Once you've verified your character, you can start entering a bio, your experience, and your preferred content, group focus, and main jobs. This information will appear on your public profile which is accessible through your recruitment post(s) on the LFG listing, or by direct link if you or someone shares it.

You can add as many recruitment posts for each purpose you might need. Looking to prog an Ultimate during the day, and check off some BLU raids in the evening? Add a recruitment post for each!

Multiple recruiment posts for single character
Fig.3 - Add multiple recruiment posts to fit your needs

To add a new recruitment post click on the "Recruitment Posts" tab on your character settings page and fill out your listing description, available job(s), focus, content preference, and your available schedule. Once you save your recruitment post it will appear on the LFG listing and recruiters can start searching for you.

Apply to join a static

Make sure you have a verified character (see "How To: Add and verify characters to start looking for a static") then visit the LFM listing.

Use the filters to limit your search to statics who are looking for your playable job(s), mindset, content preference, and schedule. When you find one that suits or interests you, you can visit the static profile by clicking the View Static button, or you can immediately apply to the static using the Apply Now button. Only statics that have an open recruitment will be visible in the LFM listing.

Open the application dialog
Fig.4.1 - Open the application dialog

When the dialog pops up, select the character and job you'd like to apply to the static with and enter any additional information you might want them to know about, including any contact information to discuss further if needed.

Apply to the static
Fig.4.2 - Apply to the static

Once you apply, a notification will be available on your Notifications page showing you the status of your application and will update automatically when the static lead responds. If your application is accepted then you will have a chance to confirm your acceptance into the static, or if you already found a group while you were waiting for a response you also have the option to decline or cancel the application.

Create a static and start recruiting

Make sure you have a verified character (see "How To: Add and verify characters to start looking for a static") then visit the My Statics page.

Start by entering the name of your static and selecting the character that is going to be the static lead. Once created you will be redirected to the static settings page where you can fill in your general static description, focus, content preference, schedule, members/jobs, and recruitment information, if applicable.

You can enter a specific recruitment description that is separate from your general static bio so that you can focus on getting the right recruit without having to modify your static bio every time you need to fill a new spot.

Static recruitment info
Fig.5.1 - Enter your static recruitment info/requirements

Once your static recruitment is saved, visit the LFG page and use the filters to limit your search to recruits who are looking for your fillable job(s), mindset, content preference, and/or schedule. View more detailed recruitment info using the View Recruit button, or you can immediately send a recruitment request using the Recruit button.

When the dialog pops up, select the static and job you'd like to recruit the player for and enter any additional information you might want them to know about, including any contact information to discuss further if needed.

Recruit a player
Fig.5.2 - Send a recruitment request

Once you send the request, a notification will be available on your Notifications page showing you the status of your recruitment request and will update automatically when the player responds. If the player accepts your recruitment then you will have a chance to confirm the recruitment or if you already filled the spot while you were waiting for a response you also have the option to decline or cancel the request.

Note: only the static lead can recruit and manage players.

Invite a character that does not have a recruitment set up into your static

If you already have a pre-formed static and want to start managing your members on XIV Recruit, it's a quick 3-step process.

First, if you haven't already, create a static. You won't need to set up any recruitment info to follow along with the next steps, so just fill in the required static details for now.

Second, make sure your static members create an account and verify their character (see above How-To guides for completing this process). After verifying, make sure to have them enable the Enable open invitations setting near the bottom of the profile page.

Enable open invites
Fig.6.1 - Ensure your static members enable open invites

It is also recommended to enable direct notifications so you can get notified as soon as a response is ready for your open recruitments, applications, and invites.

Once verified and saved, they can send you the link to their public profile.

Lastly, when you visit their public profile click on the Invite to Static button under their name and complete the pop-up form. They will receive a notification of the invitation, and as soon as they hit Accept they will be automatically joined to the static!

Visit your static member’s public profile
Fig.6.2 - Visit your static member's public profile
Send the open invitation request
Fig.6.3 - Send your invitation request

Common Definitions

There are a lot of gaming/raiding terms used across the site that you may or may not already be familiar with. Listed below are the more common terms to help you navigate the site and recruiting process efficiently.

This list may be added to or modified as needed as community standards change and/or evolve.

Focus / Mindset

This is the "seriousness" level of a group or an individual's playstyle. A combination of content type and hours expected are the main factors that influence the decided on focus/mindset, which can lead to many possible variations.

The following definitions are largely contended within the community and may differ from your personal opinion. The goal here is to broadly define these terms in a way for the recruiting community to understand and trust when searching for similar mindsets.

Note: These definitions may change over time or new ones may be added to accommodate different ranges of players as standards evolve and grow.


  • very relaxed
  • not very serious
  • may have varied/flexible raid times not adhering to a schedule

Midcore (MC)

  • fairly relaxed
  • a little more serious but not too strict
  • likely has a flexible schedule

Semi-Hardcore (sHC)

  • goal-oriented
  • serious but not strict
  • scheduled hours/days with expected attendance that typically total up to less than a part-time job

Hardcore (HC)

  • goal-oriented
  • serious and strict about attendance, effort, and contribution
  • set schedule days/hours that may total to a part-time job or more
  • possibility of adding days/hours for lost time or to meet the goal

World-First or Week 1 Progression

  • extremely strict on the singular goal of completing the content within the first week of release or as fast as possible
  • very serious and strict with attendance, effort, contribution, and assisting or meeting outside of the set schedule for strategy discussions and planning/preparations

Blind Prog

  • indicates that outside research (including but not limited to streams, clips, written or video guides, or community discussion) should be avoided and the only strategies for the content will be limited to the knowledge gained from the fight and static discussions only

Speed Running

  • as the name suggests, the intention of this focus is to clear the specified content as quickly as possible, not to be mistaken with Optimization, although they share similar methodologies
  • typically measured using FFLogs under "Speed"

Optimization (aka: Parsing)

  • loosely defined as clearing the content in the most efficient way possible, usually achieved by:
    • increasing uptime
    • holding buffs
    • using bare minimum mitigation
    • making use of all personal mitigation/healing
    • strategically using the limit break
    • etc.
  • typically measured using FFLogs rDPS percentiles


  • indicates that the group or player has already cleared and wants to reclear the fight for loot (totems, pages, gear, mount drops, etc.) or parses
  • usually for a pre-determined amount of time (until everyone gets what they want/need)


  • having a progression mindset typically means the goal of getting through mechanics to clear the fight is 1000% more important than optimization or parsing (no greeding!)
  • inclusive to players who are either fresh, or haven't cleared the specified content
  • may include veterans willing to provide guidance/callouts

Stream Team

  • inclusive to players streaming their content
  • players who want to avoid having their character/communications being broadcasted should not join statics with this tag


  • inclusive to newer raiders (ex: first time going into savage or ultimate)
  • patience and positive attitudes are essential
  • constructive critisism may be offered to encourage growth and confidence in the content
  • may include veterans willing to provide guidance/callouts
Content Preference

This is the type of content in-game that is preferred or frequented by the group or player. A static that is going on to prog an Ultimate after a savage tier would have "Savage" and "Ultimate" selected.

If you are looking to join different statics for different purposes (in the case of different mindsets, it may be difficult to find one static to fit all), it is recommended to make a separate recruitment post for each content purpose.

While the content-centric tags are self-explanatory, the "personality" or "community" based tags may not be as clear. Below are some general definitions to help you understand what these tags really mean and their main purpose.

Note: These definitions may change over time or new ones may be added to accommodate different ranges of players as standards evolve and grow.


  • including but not limited to:
    • Free Companies
    • Clubs/Cafes/Venues
    • Study Halls
    • Roleplay
    • Other like-minded interests


  • inclusive to those who identify within the LGBTQ+ community
  • ZERO tolerance for bigotry/hate, harassment, discrimination, anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, etc.
  • if the above guidelines cannot be respected by you personally or your existing static, you should not join statics with this tag nor apply this tag to your static(s) and/or character(s)


  • condusive of behaviour or communications that may contain mature content (18+)
  • inclusive to working adults, parents, or other age-centric groups that prefer to avoid playing with younger generations
Static Lead

This is the primary member of the static who is in charge of general management and recruitment (usually accompanied by a little green star ). They may have formed the static from scratch or inherited it from the previous lead or maybe nobody wanted to lead the static and they ended up picking the short straw. (raise your hand if you've been there!)

There is only one lead member allowed per static for the purposes of this site, regardless of how you divvy up your static management. This lead member owns the static and may choose to transfer the lead to another member or disband at any time.