General Focus / Mindset:

MCCasualProgStream TeamBeginner-Friendly

Interested In:

Savage RaidingExtremes


Hello and welcome! We are a mid-core static currently progging through P11S. We raid during afternoon hours currently.

We welcome those new to raiding with only some basic expectations. We would like to see some progress in class development. Learning your rotation is tremendously helpful, for example. We are casual but would like serious dedication to the group's schedule. After all, a static that can't meet on schedule isn't a static.

Discord is required. Mic is not. We would like for you to hear callouts for when we have to adjust to mechanics. We can be rowdy, so please do be wary about that. We really like to chat and have a good time while raiding. If interested, please DM HayanTokki on discord.

Tuesday    8:00PM - 10:00PM
Thursday    8:00PM - 10:00PM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/New_York.
All hours listed above are automatically converted to your default timezone (UTC).  Login to customize your timezone

Current Roster

Clare Winterflare
Clare Winterflare Behemoth
D'fhiri Jinh Famfrit
Feynir Ward
Feynir Ward Midgardsormr
Lyrae Ymir
Lyrae Ymir Seraph
Emrys Oswald
Emrys Oswald Balmung