General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesSocialLGBTQ+Mature


[LFM] [7/8] [Savage/Ultimates] [MC/sHC] [Reclears] [FRU] [Healer]

**We are looking for: One Shield Healer

Hello! The Furpile is an upcoming Midcore/Hardcore static that is looking to do all of what the game has to offer! From extremes to savage, to ultimate and possibly other side things if time allows, I am a triple legend and one of our current members is a quad legend! We also have a double legend and a Quintuple Legend. We also may have the opportunity for extracurricular stuff as well such as movie nights!

We have cleared the tier and are looking for people to do reclears and prog DSR Phase 2 and Beyond, We are also looking for people to prog FRU when that arrives (people at M4S, Fresh, mid prog or otherwise, are also acceptable)

we are also LGBTQIA+ and Furry Friendly so be not afraid!


Be on time, if you are late or can't make it let me know ahead of time

Study the fight we are on extensively and ask questions if you need help

Know how to play your job to best your ability, (i.e Know your opener, know your rotation and how to play your jobs)

Have a prior raid experience

Be willing to do Ultimates and other high-end content

Please be able to go on days other than the scheduled hours incase we need to make up a day for lost time, this is not REQUIRED but would be an added bonus

Schedule: Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: 7: 45 pm EST to 11: 45 pm EST (WARNING: Extra time may be allotted if close to a clear if people want it)

Roster: MT: WAR OT: DRK H1: WHM H2: N/A M1: RPR M2: VPR R1: BRD R2: SMN

Please DM me at your earliest convenience, we would love to have you <3 (Please provide fflogs upon dming me)

Discord: SnivyPootis

Tuesday    11:00PM - 3:00AM
Wednesday    11:00PM - 3:00AM
Thursday    11:00PM - 3:00AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/Asuncion.
All hours listed above are automatically converted to your default timezone (UTC).  Login to customize your timezone

Current Roster

A'zin Easley Lamia
Lance Masamune
Lance Masamune Diabolos
Kani Pan
Kani Pan Gilgamesh
Rika Lockhart
Rika Lockhart Coeurl
Frxxy Boots
Frxxy Boots Diabolos