General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

Savage RaidingExtremesLGBTQ+

Raise the Woof is open for recruitment
Recruiting since 5 days ago  

  Looking for 1 member for the following job(s):   

TLDR; Fresh static for 7.2 Savage, Wed/Thur ~3 hours each 7-10PM CST

Fresh static looking to be ready for 7.2 and maybe run through the current tier to see how the group feels, if we get enough people in time. We will be running Wednesday and Thursday, so people have weekends+Monday available to prog on their own if they choose.

Contact me on Discord or Telegram @Rangepup for a faster response.


Newly formed static cause trying to find one that fits my schedule isn't working well!

Hello, I'm Range! I'm the leader of Everlasting Flight on Excalibur, and I've been doing Savage since Endwalker and playing since ARR.

I'm looking for a group of players who are chill and want to get cool loot and maybe go back and do old content. LGBTQ+ friendly is a must. I'm not expecting huge damage numbers or fast clears, but I'd like us to make consistent progress. I'd like to at least have our first M8S kill before 7.1, or be close to it. You don't need to be perfect, but know what you're doing and what mistakes your making that you could improve on. You're making a commitment, 7 other people are relying on you to perform well. Be respectful of other people's time and effort.

I'm not personally looking to do Ultimates, but if we clear on content, then people would be free to find another group until the last tier, or I could help facilitate a secondary group if enough people were interested.


  • Consistent attendence. By joining you are making a social commitment to be here every week barring forces outside of your control.
  • Bring your A game. Know how to play your job. Know the rotations and what buttons to press.
  • Suit up! Know your BiS, grind your tomes, meld your materia, get your weekly M8N clear for weapon tokens. The closer we get to BiS, the fewer 1% enrages we'll have to suffer.
  • Study the fight. Watch guides. In Hector we trust.
  • Don't be a dick. We're here to clear, not get yelled at.


We'll be running Wednesdays and Thursday, starting at 7pm CST for around 3 hours a night. We'll keep it as consistent as possible barring unexpected events preventing us from running with Tues/Thurs as backup days. I'd like to keep weekends free for everyone to prog on their own if they choose.

Wednesday    12:30AM - 4:30AM
Thursday    12:30AM - 4:30AM
Friday    12:30AM - 4:30AM
Saturday    12:30AM - 5:00AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/Chicago.
All hours listed above are automatically converted to your default timezone (UTC).  Login to customize your timezone

Current Roster

Szarcy Sawyer
Szarcy Sawyer Lamia
Qwin Cake
Qwin Cake Marilith
Azra Luzifel
Azra Luzifel Cactuar
Shixn Net
Shixn Net Adamantoise
Ror'ak Ba'hal Jenova
Range Debu
Range Debu'koinu Excalibur
Altera Draconis
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