General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

Savage RaidingExtremesLGBTQ+

Main Job(s):

He/Him Dog on the internet

I started playing in 2.1. I run a small FC on Excal. I'm usually a daily player outside of content droughts between big patches when it just becomes logging in to raid.

My raiding mindset is that I'm here to get kills and get loot. I don't entirely care how quickly we do it (not to say I want to spend 4 weeks progging P2S Limit Cut with randos again...) but I want a group to be making steady progress and clear on content, including having their gear and knowing their job. I'm not aiming to be the best, but I like to think I'm pretty competent. I like getting big numbers but I'm not perfect enough for THE BIGGEST NUMBERS and that's ok with me cause I'm doing my best.

Link to FF Logs FF Logs
  • Cleared most EXs throughout the years but didn't try Savage until Endwalker.
  • Cleared all of Pandemonium while it was current content with previous static.
  • Only done EX1 so far this expansion to get weapons.

    Cleared the tier just before it became unlocked :)