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Kazu Clan is open for recruitment
Recruiting since 5 days ago  

  Looking for 1 member for the following job(s):   

TLDR; FC static seeking PHYS RANGED; Prog @ M2S Beat 3 to clear; Group consists of players newer to savage

Hi hi all! We're a Casual/Mid-core FC static that is seeking a Phys Ranged to fill in our ranks! Ideally DNC however BRD & MCH fine to apply as well!! Current Roster: GNB, WAR, SGE, WHM, VPR, MNK, RDM.

This tier I am leading two FC static groups and this group consists of players newer to savage so keep that in mind when applying! We've currently cleared M1S & working on cleaning up M2S Beat 3 to clear.

We're chill FC friends who love to banter and have fun, but can focus hard to get that clear. We value prog over parse but inevitably utilize all analysis tools at our disposal in order to help each other improve.

~ Please, arrive on time (if not early) and ready for each session. This includes pots, food and studying for the fight and mechanic we're working on. We always review and provide resources to best help us progress at a steady pace.

~ Be respectful of fellow teammates! We're fun-loving folks, putting forth our absolute best effort and sharing each other's time. Don't waste it. Toxicity is unacceptable.

~ At this level, job mastery is a must! Mistakes happen and we are all learning, but it's never a fun time to try and learn a job AND learn mechanics at the same time. That burnout is real. Bring the job you love, know and have FUN playing! I do have people across both groups who can mentor and help you improve on the job you bring because there is always room to grow!

~ Life Happens: please communicate when you can't make it so we can accommodate a substitute that day.

~ Be able to give and accept constructive criticism.

~ Be in discord for each raid session. Muted is okay, just be there to listen for callouts and other communication. Just don't hesitate to chat with us however fits best for you!

Schedule: Fridays & Saturdays 7pm - 9:30 PST (10pm - 12:30am EST)

Feel free to reach out with any questions to me, Kushana! Looking forward to having you trial with us and see if the vibe fits! Discord @kushana as well!


FC static of fun and chill people who are tired of the ires of PF and other statics and decided in Dawntrail to raid and actually have a good time together! We are a Casual/MC static that raids on Tuesdays and Thursdays (for Group 1) and Fridays and Saturdays (for Group 2) from 7pm-9:30pm PST // 10pm-12:30am EST. We value prog over parse and although we banter and have fun, when it's time to get the clear we turn business mode on and get the job done! We all strive to improve each other so being able to accept constructive criticism is a must! We also ask you to respect each other's time and put forth every best effort each session. Be aware of your limitations, communicate with each other and we'll do just fine! Kazuko Clan (Kazu for short) is ready to tackle upcoming Savage tiers as well as Ultimates and more! We also do fun FC stuffs outside of raid days!

Currently Group 2 of Kazu is looking for a Phys Ranged.

Feel free to reach out with any questions @ myself Kushana!

~~ Kushana Deveraux : Kazu's Resident GNB ~~

Wednesday    2:00AM - 6:00AM
Friday    2:00AM - 6:00AM
Saturday    2:00AM - 6:30AM
Sunday    2:00AM - 6:30AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/Denver.
All hours listed above are automatically converted to your default timezone (UTC).  Login to customize your timezone

Current Roster

Kushana Deveraux
Kushana Deveraux Gilgamesh