Focus / Mindset:
Week 1 ProgressionOptimizationHCsHCMCProg
Preferred Content:
Savage RaidingMature
Playable Job(s):
Recruiter Description

TLDR; Looking for 7.2 Group, Mon - Wed - Friday 6-12pmEST Willing to add some weekend days. Pref Warrior
Looking for a serious group for 7.2 Available Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6-12 EST Open to more flexible hours on weekend depending on the seriousness of the group. Prefer Warrior but will flex to DRK or DRG for the right group.
Monday | 11:00PM - 5:00AM |
Wednesday | 11:00PM - 5:00AM |
Friday | 11:00PM - 5:00AM |
Saturday | All Day |
Sunday | All Day |
Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/Detroit.
All hours listed above are automatically converted to your default timezone (UTC).
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