General Focus / Mindset:

Speed RunningOptimizationsHCMCFarmProg

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesLGBTQ+Mature

Main Job(s):


Veteran savage raider looking to do Ultimate. Cleared the current Savage tier in PF and looking for a group to do weeklies/FRU. Original 2.0 T1-T13 clear on WAR, DPS'd in Alexander, Omega, Eden and cleared up to the seventh circle of Abyssos on GBR. I'm a quick and flexible learner that's punctual and takes raiding seriously. I'm here to get clears and optimize. Discord - jarlnilmerg

Link to FF Logs FF Logs

I have been raiding since patch 2.3, was among the first few groups on my server to beat T13 in ARR. I have consistently raided since then up to EW in multiple long term groups. I can raid on both Tank and DPS, specializing in melee DPS specifically. Willing to flex other jobs if needed.


Recruit Jarl Nilmerg from one of the available listings:

UltimatesSavage RaidingMature
TLDR; FRU, and potentially weekly reclears/optimization. Available Tues-Sun 6-12 EST