Focus / Mindset:
Preferred Content:
UltimatesSavage Raiding
Playable Job(s):
Recruiter Description

TLDR; Press buttons, kill boss. Week 7-8 Clear for 7.2
Healer main in search of a static for 7.2 savage tier. I am most comfortable on WHM but willing to swap around if needed, there will just be some growing pains, could RDM for the group if needed.
I am a fast learner, focused on prog, vocal in comms, and willing to own any mistake I make. I will study outside of raid, and punctuality is important to me, always ready to instance in AT raid time. If we get along I’d love to tackle the 7.3 ult together.
Looking for a group who is consistent, willing to communicate, focused on prog over everything else and and can play their jobs decently. I am hoping to clear within 7-8 weeks, earlier is absolutely okay with me.
I love having a good time and shooting the !#$%, but clearing the fights is what I am most interested in. DM me if interested, I’d love to get a vibe check before committing.
Monday | 11:00PM - 6:00AM |
Tuesday | 3:30AM - 6:00AM |
Wednesday | 11:00PM - 6:00AM |
Thursday | 11:00PM - 6:00AM |
Friday | 11:00PM - 6:00AM |
Saturday | 5:00AM - 6:00AM 3:00PM - 12:30AM |
Sunday | 3:00PM - 6:00AM |
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