General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

UltimatesSavage Raiding

Main Job(s):


Healer main in search of a static for 7.2 savage tier. I am most comfortable on WHM but willing to swap around if needed, there will just be some growing pains, could RDM for the group if needed.

I am a fast learner, focused on prog, vocal in comms, and willing to own any mistake I make. I will study outside of raid, and punctuality is important to me, always ready to instance in AT raid time. If we get along Iā€™d love to tackle the 7.3 ult together.

Looking for a group who is consistent, willing to communicate, focused on prog over everything else and and can play their jobs decently. I am hoping to clear within 7-8 weeks, earlier is absolutely okay with me.

I love having a good time and shooting the !#$%, but clearing the fights is what I am most interested in. DM me if interested, Iā€™d love to get a vibe check before committing.

Link to FF Logs FF Logs

M1S-M4S has been my first tier


Recruit Ilyna Arch from one of the available listings:

Ilyna Arch
Ilyna Arch Sargatanas (NA)

Link to FF Logs  

UltimatesSavage Raiding
TLDR; Press buttons, kill boss. Week 7-8 Clear for 7.2