General Focus / Mindset:
Interested In:
Savage RaidingExtremesField OperationsDungeonsTreasure Maps
Tonworry is open for recruitment
Looking for 2 members for the following job(s):
TLDR; [LF2M][6/8][Crystal][7.2+][Savage][Medium-core] Tues/Wed/Thurs 8pm-10pm EDT Need Caster&Melee
What we offer:
- Comfy raid environment
- ability to help you understand your class through resources and player experience
- Instantly lose the ability to prog when food is brought up in convo
- We will clear the content so everyone has the final mount
- We understand life comes first! (We are no strangers to random cancellations.)
- Our goal is being able to re-clear and obtain full BIS gear through savage content before the echo drops.
- Memes that will live on forever
What we are looking for:
Someone who understands their job and can play at an above average level
Understands that we are not a clear everything week 1 static & we may hit some walls during the tier but we will clear all the raids.
Comfy raid mentality who can handle chaotic goofball personalities.
Understanding life happens, vacations or unseen events may delay clear time.
The willingness to flex roles/job. We have quite a few members (4/5) who enjoy switching jobs every raid tier even with no prior raid experience on it. This is not a deal breaker. It's okay if you only want to do one thing.
"We're all a bunch of memers with jobs who just wanna show up, kill some bosses with our friends and get loot. "
LGBTQ+ Friendly Static
Formed in 5.2, Tonworry began as a static for first-time raiders within our FC with Eden's Verse being a handful of our crew's first time into Savage. We finished off the tier with hard-work and a grind mentality during the covid era, but life and work eventually returned to normal. We were able to find new members for the following tiers and if you are reading this then we are once more looking to replenish our ranks. As the tiers went by we have settled to become a midcore static, we understand we aren't the best or a week 1 full tier clear type of group but when we enter an instance we each are determined to give it our all for the sake of the other 7 members who have showed up.
You are by no means required to join our FC to be accepted into the static, however you are required to join our FC discord server for guides, static communications, and voice calls for callouts. You do not have to have your mic on but it is encouraged, as long as you are able to hear callouts and participate in communication with other static members.
Our schedule is 6hrs a week Tues, Wed, Thurs from 8:00PM - 10:00PM EDT. (If prog is going well and a kill is near, we sometimes do extend the time by 30 minutes or so.)
Just some friends who wanna press buttons, have fun and kill content while chaos ensues.
Wednesday | 12:00AM - 2:00AM |
Thursday | 12:00AM - 2:00AM |
Friday | 12:00AM - 2:00AM |
Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/Detroit.
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