General Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionOptimizationMCBeginner-Friendly

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingSocialLGBTQ+

The High Council is open for recruitment
Recruiting since 5 days ago  

  Looking for 2 members for the following job(s):   

TLDR; midcore group seeking both tanks for Cruiserweight Savage and beyond

Looking For

Main Tank and Off Tank for Arcadion Cruiserweight Tier Savage.


Fast progression, gearing up our main jobs ofc as well as reclears enough to gear some alt jobs.


  • Midcore Mindset: You don't need to be a high parser but we are looking for consistency between pulls, improvement over time, and the motivation to study fights outside of raid meetups.

  • Communication: Be attentive for raid planning and discussions before pulls, ask questions as you get them, join vc for callouts and pointers.

  • Able to take pointers and receive constructive feedback.

  • Be comfortable in your job and role so that you can put more focus on learning mechanics.

  • Come prepared with gear as close to your job's BiS for the intended encounter as possible.

  • Come prepared with food, pots, and repaired gear.

Loot & Gearing

I will be updating a record of everyone's BIS as we clear and our parties will have Lootmaster on. We'll do a roll for each gear piece just among who needs that specific item and we'll mark them off the list. Once everyone who needs that specific gear piece has received it, then any extra drops of that piece will be opened up for greed to go to alt jobs.


LGBTQ+ Friendly Static

Formed in late March of 2022, the High Council began as a fully Free Company made and run static for first-time raiders within our FC with Asphodelos being most of our crew's first time into Savage. We finished out tier 1 of Panda with great success and got most of the way through tier 2 before life and work happened. We were able to find new members for tier 3 of Endwalker and get our clears of all four floors.

You are by no means required to join our FC to be accepted into the static, however you are required to join our FC discord server for guides, static communications, and voice calls for callouts. You do not have to have your mic on but it is encouraged, as long as you are able to hear callouts and participate in communication with other static members.

Current Savage Roster

  • MT: Available Spot
  • OT: Available Spot
  • Regen: Atticus Macalistar, AST/WHM
  • Shield: Nightshade Veldt, SCH
  • Melee1: Asher Wicker, VPR (Lead)
  • Melee2: Cray Stormfury, MNK
  • Caster: Claire Carmine, SMN
  • Ranged: Sarah Olivetti, DNC
Wednesday    1:30AM - 4:30AM
Thursday    1:30AM - 4:30AM
Friday    1:30AM - 4:30AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/Los_Angeles.
All hours listed above are automatically converted to your default timezone (UTC).  Login to customize your timezone

Current Roster

Asher Wicker
Asher Wicker Faerie