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UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesOld ContentSocialLGBTQ+Mature

the dawntrailingways is open for recruitment
Recruiting since 5 days ago  

  Looking for 2 members for the following job(s):   

TLDR; LF>RHealer & PRanged for 7.2 MC Savage and FRU afterwards. 3x/week Tu.W.Th

see intro


hi! our static the raidingways are looking for TWO permanent members who are seeking both a long-term static and a friend group to make positive memories with as we raid through what's to come in DT and onwards.


the static has been around since 6.4, a group of 6, with our raiding experience including Anabaseios, UWU, AAC1, and most recently progging up to P3 APOC of FRU; in addition to several people having separate Ultimate clears ranging from UCoB, TEA, and TOP.

we are a midcore static in mentality and preparation, but strive for a casual environment because we want to feel like we're raiding with friends, not coworkers. if you are looking for something hardcore and only care about clears/optimization/parsing, this is not the static for you. at the same time, we want someone who knows the balance between having fun and putting in the work to clear in a timely manner when it counts.






Tu/W/Th ~ 8:30p to 11:00p EST times are non-negotiable. the days, however, can be after discussion with the rest of the group.


  • previous Ultimate experience is not required, but previous Savage experience is.
  • must be LGBTQ+ friendly, no toxicity of any sort, and it really just goes without saying to not be a jerk.
  • open to discussion in regards to asking about mechanics/execution of mechanics, communicative if you can't make it to raid, open to both recieving and giving criticism respectfully and just overall having qualities that is conducive to a static environment that makes us feel like a team rather than just clocking in to raid as if it's a job.
  • come prepared with pots and food, in addition to materials for crafted gear, or ask if you need them crafted/bought.
  • prog > parse always.
  • willing to put in the work outside of raid hours; whether it be reviewing mechanics prior to raid, getting in extra practice in PF, watching PoVs, etc. this is not a blind group.
  • clearing within 5-7 weeks, with reclears of cleared fights happening in the same week as the current fight being progged, in addition to getting all 8 members their mounts.
  • most of us are on Aether, but have no problem DC traveling if you are elsewhere.
  • IMPORTANT: due to us not finishing FRU in time before 7.2 Savage because of starting late, our biggest priority after AAC2 is to go back into FRU and clear it (+2 reclears minimum). we do plan to tackle older Ultimates afterwards, but finishing FRU comes first. therefore, we do hold a higher preference to those who have also progged the fight but haven't finished and are at around a similar prog point. we will consider taking in people who would need to start fresh, so i would still encourage people to reach out. our final day of FRU before 7.2 is March 16th.

if this seems like the static for you, please send me a DM on discord @elpisdays with your in-game name and world, and a brief explanation as to why you'd be a good fit.

Wednesday    1:30AM - 4:00AM
Thursday    1:30AM - 4:00AM
Friday    1:30AM - 4:00AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/New_York.
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Current Roster

Karil Goldpact
Karil Goldpact Adamantoise
Zio Megidolaon
Zio Megidolaon Siren