General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremes

Team $TEAM is open for recruitment
Recruiting since 3 days ago  

  Looking for 1 member for the following job(s):   

TLDR; Static looking to clear savage and ultimates

We’re a group that’s been raiding together since Anabaseios Savage and looking to recruit some jobs for the team, and to challenge ourselves with content until the next expansion. We enjoy having fun together with prog and reclears, but also being productive and wise with our raid time. We want to meet and bring in other raiders who share the same mindset as we do, and achieve these goals together.

Times listed are 8 pm - 11 pm EST on Tuesday and Friday, with optional "bonus" days on Saturday.

We welcome anyone from any NA DC.

Current Group Goals

  • (Re)clear current fights until everyone has BiS
  • Clear Ultimates
  • Clear older savages at level (synced, not MINE)
  • Clear savage fights as they come out
  • Have fun as a team

Group Standing

  • Savage - Group has cleared the entirety of Anabaseios and currently on P2 of M4S
  • Ultimates - Group has cleared UWU and TEA; one has cleared UCOB

Group Expectations

  • Show up on time and be prepared (pots, food, gear)
  • Study outside of raid: watch guides, take notes, PF, whatever works best for you
  • Be comfortable with asking questions and receiving help with mechanics during raid time
  • Know your job (rotation, mit tool kit, etc) and be willing to optimize for the sake of a clear and relcears
  • Collaborate and communicate with your co-role and static group
  • Communicate with team members in a timely manner if a conflict or issue arises, so we can work together to achieve a resolution
  • Use raid time wisely and have quality pulls during prog
  • Hold yourself accountable and learn from mistakes, and be willing to watch guides or use a sim as a group if needed
  • Have fun, be kind, be patient, and support one another - this is a team effort!

New Member Experience

  • One or more Savage tiers cleared on-content
  • Has read this message and will send at least a sentence that includes the word malfeasance to let me know
  • Have one or more Ultimate clears

Important Notes

  • We log our runs so we can learn from our pulls as a group, and once BiS some of us do optional log runs in PF outside of raid
  • We have a gear planner to track everyone’s BiS
  • We can discuss as a group additional time added to raid if we are near a clear of a fight

If this interests you, reach out to redshadowhero on discord with a short introduction (2-3 sentences) including relevant log(s) and your personal goals; messages that do not include this will be ignored in order to be respectful of the time people who do put in the effort.


We’re a group that’s been raiding together since Anabaseios Savage, and have cleared 2 ultimates as a team. We enjoy raiding and having fun together with prog and relcears, but also being productive and wise with our raid time. We want to meet and bring in other raiders who share the same mindset as we do, and achieve our goals together.

We welcome anyone from any NA DC.

Wednesday    12:00AM - 3:00AM
Saturday    12:00AM - 3:00AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/Chicago.
All hours listed above are automatically converted to your default timezone (UTC).  Login to customize your timezone

Current Roster

Oowazu Nonowazu
Oowazu Nonowazu Gilgamesh