General Focus / Mindset:


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/shrug is open for recruitment
Recruiting since 3 days ago  

  Looking for 2 members for the following job(s):   

TLDR; 3/8 sHC static LFM to clear FRU + Savage reclears. Mon/Tues/Thurs 7:30-10:30 PM EST. Discord- koshyj

Hi there,

Two others and I are forming a midcore/semi-hardcore static who's goal will be to complete FRU before patch 7.2. The group will be focused on progging and clearing content together while also looking to have a good time with fun vibes. I am looking for like-minded players that are consistent and approach raiding with great preparation. Savage experience is required and Ultimate experience is recommended.

We already have: Phys ranged, pure healer, and a melee (Viper)

What we need: Two tanks, a shield healer, a melee and a caster

As we are gathering/trialing members, we will be reclearing the current Savage tier for gear as well as progging TOP or DSR.

Our schedule is Mon/Tues/Thurs 7:30-10:30 PM EST (2 lockouts with a short break in-between)

Until FRU comes out, Tuesday will initially be scheduled for Savage reclears while Thursday and Monday will be focused on progging TOP or DSR (we'll vote on which once the group forms). There is no intention of clearing TOP/DSR, but this is just to get the group prepped and ready together. Once FRU comes out, all raid time will be dedicated towards it. We will be using discord for callouts. Having a good mic/communication is required.

If you're interested, have any questions, or need logs, message me on discord. Username: koshyj


No static introduction saved. :(

Monday    11:30PM - 2:30AM
Tuesday    11:30PM - 2:30AM
Thursday    11:30PM - 2:30AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/New_York.
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