General Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionsHCMC

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingLGBTQ+


We're a midcore static focused on clearing Savage tiers for Endwalker. While we want to move through fights as quickly as we can, we're far from being hardcore, and try not to take it harshly when prog isn't moving as quickly as we would like.

This static began as one solely for the Tonberry Academy FC, but soon became a 50/50 split with the Nightrose FC as well. As such, the existing members were largely good friends before coming together as a static.

Roseberries has Cleared all fights from P1S to P8S, and eagerly awaits Anabaseios.

Assuming there's time for such after the tier is complete, Ultimate prog on the side is likely.

Monday    1:30AM - 3:30AM
Friday    1:00AM - 3:00AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/Denver.
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Current Roster

Waifu Reclaimer
Waifu Reclaimer Jenova
Amber Kreaorei
Amber Kreaorei Faerie