General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

Savage RaidingExtremesLGBTQ+Mature

Radiant Horizon is open for recruitment
Recruiting since 20 hours ago  

  Looking for 1 member for the following job(s):   

TLDR; Casual/MC static LF1 Melee or Caster for 2+3 reclears and 4 Prog (Ion Clusters, fresh is fine too)

[Crystal/Cross-DC] [LF1M] [Casual/MC] [Savage]

Hey there! We are a casual/MC static looking for 1 person (1 Melee or Caster) for M2S/M3S reclears and M4S prog (we're at ion clusters, but still working on getting consistent at the first few mechs)!

Looking for:
  • 1x Melee (Non-monk) or Caster
Current Team Comp:
  • Tank - WAR/GNB
  • Tank - DRK
  • Pure Healer - AST
  • Shield Healer - SGE
  • Melee - MNK
  • Phys Ranged - DNC
  • Caster - ME :D (I omni-cast)

*I play rdm for prog and pct for (re)clears. If you are a caster, I can flex to the melee spot (and/or to BLM if you play PCT, PCT if you play RDM, etc.)

Raid Times (in EST):
  • Tuesday - 9:00 to 11:30 PM
  • Wednesday - 9:00 to 11:30 PM
  • (Optional) Saturday - 9:00 to 11:30 PM

We typically like to use the optional day in turn 4, or when we are getting close to a clear. We'll discuss whether we want to do an optional day on a case-by-case basis. Note: We're only reclearing M2S and M3S as a group right now. Members are free to clear M1S on their own before raid on Wednesday

Loot Rules: Generally DPS > Tank > Healer for BiS, FFA once no one needs it for their BiS. We use lootmaster so we aren't pressed for time.

Requirements and Expectations
  • Please know the fundamentals and optimization of your job.
  • Be open to honest criticism.
  • Please study up on the current mechanic (and maybe the next mechanic) before raid starts. Although we are a casual static, we still would like to clear in a reasonable time!
  • Be on time! If you can't make it for whatever reason, just let us know ahead of time so we can figure something out. We get the life happens, just don't ghost us when we need you.
  • Be in VC! You don't have to talk, but we would like you in there to listen to callouts and mechanic discussion.

Feel free to DM me (@tastiestpie on discord) if you have any questions or apply if you are interested in joining us!


Heya! Radiant Horizon is a casual/MC static formed at the beginning of Pandaemonium and has cleared its every tier.

We run twice a week for a total of 4-5 hours (sometimes we do a weekend raid night depending on how we all feel). Although we raid casual hours, we approach content with a midcore mindset, meaning we expect members to watch guides on the current mechanic (and sometimes 1 mech ahead).

We are fairly beginner friendly. We don't expect people to be god gamers, but we want to see growth in terms of learning and understanding a fight and optimizing your job. We expect to see (many) mistakes, and it is fine so long as everyone learns from it.

Thursday    2:00AM - 4:00AM
Friday    2:00AM - 4:00AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/New_York.
All hours listed above are automatically converted to your default timezone (UTC).  Login to customize your timezone

Current Roster

Raine Elakha
Raine Elakha Diabolos