General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesField OperationsPvPBLUDeep DungeonOld ContentTreasure MapsLGBTQ+

Legit is open for recruitment
Recruiting since 1 day ago  

  Looking for 1 member for the following job(s):   

TLDR; MC group LF SGE/SCH for savage reclears; ultimates; next tier.

About Us: We're a group of friends and veteran XIV players, several of us having raided together since ARR—and much of it blind. Most of us have cleared at least one ultimate, with a few quad-legends in the mix. Despite loving challenging content, we're very easy-going and mid-core in our approach, as we're all working adults with day jobs, just playing XIV to trade jokes and have fun. For something like savage prog, we might put in extra time on a given night or tack on an extra day of prog a given week, but we are not Week 1ers. More like Week 4ers.

Our dear SGE is hanging up his milpreves to tackle RL stuff, and so we're looking for a confident and competent barrier healer to step in and join us as a permanent member, which would include current tier reclears for bis and alts; ultimates (TEA then FRU); next savage tier; and beyond. A lot of us do other content, include pvp, criterion, etc.—if that's not your thing, cool, but if it is, great!

Worth noting that 6 of us are in one FC on Siren, but there's no requirement for you to join, though we'd of course welcome it. We pool resources for consumables, and have a bitchin' mansion, to boot.

Current Roster:

  • WAR / omni tank
  • GNB / omni tank
  • WHM
  • [barrier healer] <<< could be you!
  • RPR
  • DRG / omni melee
  • DNC
  • PIC / omni caster

Happy to share logs upon request.


  • Be willing to use voice comms / Discord.
  • Have relevant savage (or ultimate) experience, and be ready to share logs. We're not intending to reprog the tier but may consider it for the right candidate.
  • Know your class. As a healer, we expect you to understand your kit and be able to coordinate and optimize with your cohealer on healing/mit.
  • Be LGBTQ+ friendly.
  • Be chill. It's a game—mistakes can and will happen. We will talk thru issues, but we're not an accusatory toxic bunch. Ultimately we're here to have fun!
  • Be punctual and reliable. If you know you're going to be out or late, let the group know in advance. Our team spans a lot of timezones, so we expect everyone to respect each other's time.
  • Be prepared. This includes studying guides, studying vods, studying mit plans, and, if requested, practicing on sims.
  • Be communicative, and ready to take, and offer, constructive feedback. As a healer, we expect you to be able to communicate and coordinate with your cohealer on the fly, as necessary.


  • Mon: N/A
  • Tue: 10:00p eastern to 12:00a
  • Wed: 10:00p eastern to 12:00a
  • Thu: N/A
  • Fri: 10:00p eastern to 12:00a
  • Sat: N/A
  • Sun: [optional for prog or make-up]

Extra days are negotiated among the group, as needed. Start-time might shift to 9:30 at the end of daylight savings, with same end time.


We're a group of friends and veteran XIV players, several of us having raided together since ARR—and much of it blind. Most of us have cleared at least one ultimate, with a few quad-legends in the mix. Despite loving challenging content, we're very easy-going and mid-core in our approach, as we're all working adults with day jobs, just playing XIV to trade jokes and have fun.

Monday    2:00AM - 4:00AM
Wednesday    2:00AM - 4:00AM
Thursday    2:00AM - 4:00AM
Saturday    2:00AM - 4:00AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/New_York.
All hours listed above are automatically converted to your default timezone (UTC).  Login to customize your timezone

Current Roster

Duress Astutulus
Duress Astutulus Siren