General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

Savage RaidingExtremes


Group looking to progress content a 4 hours a week. We are Midcore and laid back but serious about using that time to progress. We communicate via Discord.

We formed up about the time Anabaseios released in EW and cleared that, went back to clear P4S and P8S and cleared UWU just a few weeks before DT released. We'd like to try more Ultimates in the downtime between Savage tiers.

Thursday    11:00PM - 1:00AM
Friday    11:00PM - 1:00AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/Chicago.
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Current Roster

Frieda Zhwan
Frieda Zhwan Jenova
Tc Sola
Tc Sola Zalera