General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesMature

Dragon Council is open for recruitment
Recruiting since 16 hours ago  

  Looking for 21 members for the following job(s):   

TLDR; [Primal][Static][MC][7.0][LFM] 6 out of 8 Static Recruiting

Raid Times: 3x per week. Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 8:30pm - 11pm EST

Current Group Composition:





Phys Range:




In Search Of: Off Tank & Melee

Static Expectations:

We are a Semi-Casual to Midcore static focusing on Progression, however, are NOT aimed at Hard Core progression/clears, consistent progression is the goal and personal responsibility is a must. Casual in the sense there may be occasions where RL obligations may interfere with in game schedules.

We are also a group that likes to have fun while progressing, again the aim is for consistent progression, NOT Hard Core progression/clears.

We expect our members to play a class they are comfortable playing. Confident in their rotation and can pick up on mechanics fairly quickly. We understand that everyone learns fights in a different manner, the expectation is to progress on a consistent basis. No one likes to remain stagnant.

We expect our members to take direction, handle constructive criticism, and know how to interact with other members without being toxic. We also expect our members to be able to handle mature talk, we are a group of adults and if you are offended easily or prefer PG-13 this is not the group for you.

There will be a trial session(s), more to ensure personalities in combination of play-style vibe. We don’t want to waste your time as I am sure you don’t want to waste ours.

FFXIV Savage Experience is required.

Discord will be a must. No need to voice chat but be able to listen to discussions on mechanics and working out strategies.

Please also shoot me a message on discord #sajinta to get the convo going after you click submit app :)


No static introduction saved. :(

Wednesday    1:30AM - 4:00AM
Thursday    1:30AM - 4:00AM
Friday    1:30AM - 4:00AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/New_York.
All hours listed above are automatically converted to your default timezone (UTC).  Login to customize your timezone

Current Roster

Sajinta Dy
Sajinta Dy'shaynn Famfrit
Darkadian Dy
Darkadian Dy'shaynn Famfrit
Umiko Nagisa
Umiko Nagisa Lamia