General Focus / Mindset:

MCCasualBlind ProgFarmProgBeginner-Friendly

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremes


Heya :)

Casualities Included is a static with the focus on friendship and fun. We do strive for success but don't want this to be a seond job. We have set raid times on weekends but also the option for all members to vote for day/time. We try to include everyone in our static as best as we possibly can. For that we have some rules (read bellow) to find the perfect fit from casuals to mid(hard)core players.

If you have any question feel free to ask \o/

Rules (WIP):

0. Raid days vary in numbers from 1-3. We do have an average time of ~3 hours raiding, but this may be extended spontaniously. (Votings/Agreements on Discord)

1. Prog raids will be cleared with the static first in order to get the most rewards out of it. This helps us get used to the fight and better at teamplay/faster clear. Members are allowed to practise/prog current raids, but should avoid clearing them at all cost.

2. If the last static raid day of the week would be a saturday --> Sunday and Monday will be free for everyone to go for a clear with other friends/members/pf for that raid. A full static is not required in this case. As soon as the weekly reset comes up we ask you to do the week (re)clear with the static again. That is only if -->

3. A raid hasnt been cleared with the full static yet. If a raid has been cleared, for example M1s and we are about to prog M2s, M1s will be free to reclear with static members/friends/pf at any time of the week. This way we ensure that more "hardcore" players are capeable of getting their BiS asap whilst still trying to do the current content as a group. We still ask you to help out other members from our static if they want to reclear too. (Be aware of less rewards that way) Also, since we cleared a Raid we should be used to it and therefor clear it faster beside our current raid day goal ( in this example M2s) Depending how well we play as a team, after we got used to each other, there is nothing against it to decide wether we go for all raid recelars at the weekend or not. This is something we need to take a look at.

The rules may be not perfect yet. For us this is still a learn in progress also and I may adjust the rules a bit here and there over time ^^ (Especially the reclear part)

Friday    1:00PM - 10:00PM
Saturday    8:00AM - 1:00AM
Sunday    8:00AM - 1:00AM

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Current Roster

Varu Kha
Varu Kha Omega