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Week 1 ProgressionMCBlind ProgFarmProgBeginner-Friendly

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UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesLGBTQ+Mature

Agressively Mediocre is open for recruitment
Recruiting since 12 days ago  

  Looking for 1 member for the following job(s):   

TLDR; TLDR: We need a tank.

Hello, We are recruiting for the Dawn trail Raid-Series. Aggressively Mediocre as a Mid-core group, with Ex-Hardcore, Mid-core and even a few members newer to savage in general. This is a mature raid group, with Mature players (21+), With a generally friendly demeanor we Aim to complete the Expac Raid-series with in a reasonable amount of time.

Here, we place Importance on communication, fair criticism, critique and teamwork. If someone see's something or understands something that others might not. Say something. Its how we foster improvement as a group. And while do use tools to monitor fights and track individual progression. We don't care about parses, We care about general competency and the ability to understand and adapt to mechanics. The fine-tuning and Parsing can come after. The statics main goal is completion.

Our Times are 6:30p - 9:30p CST On Tuesday and Thursday. Sunday being a catch up day exclusive to a Majority vote if its needed.

Our Prog point is currently midway through M3s (Fusefield) >>>>PLEASE BE AT M2S Enrage or M3 before applying.<<<<

We are in need of: 1 Tank (MT or OT)

XIV Recruit:

You can request further information by contacting the Raid Lead: Majestic Makoto @MajesticDoge on discord


Hello, We are recruiting for the Dawn trail Raid-Series. Aggressively Mediocre as a Mid-core group, with Ex-Hardcore, Mid-core and even a few members newer to savage in general. This is a mature raid group, with Mature players (21+), With a generally friendly demeanor we Aim to complete the Expac Raid-series with in a reasonable amount of time.

Here, we place Importance on communication, fair criticism, critique and teamwork. If someone see's something or understands something that others might not. Say something. Its how we foster improvement as a group. And while do use tools to monitor fights and track individual progression. We don't care about a parses, We care about general competency and the ability to understand and adapt to mechanics. The fine-tuning and Parsing can come after. The statics main goal is completion.

Our Times are 6:30p - 9:30p CST On Tuesday and Thursday. Sunday being a catch up day exclusive to a Majority vote if its needed.

We are in need of: 1 M.DPS

You can request further information and a quicker response by contacting the Raid Lead: Majestic Makoto @MajesticDoge on discord

Tuesday    11:00PM - 3:00AM
Thursday    11:00PM - 3:00AM

Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/Chicago.
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Current Roster

Majestic Makoto
Majestic Makoto Coeurl