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Week 1 ProgressionOptimizationHCsHCMCBlind ProgFarmProgStream Team
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UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesField OperationsDungeonsDeep DungeonOld ContentSocialMature
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Recruiter Description
Posted 4 days ago Updated 1 day agoTLDR; pretty much free all day mon tues sun hoping to make good time in the m8 tier and make some friends
looking for a static for the m8s tier and hopefully beyond i learn and adjust pretty fast so hoping for a static that does the same to try for clears sooner than week 3. i main tank but cleared the m4 tier on melee and enjoy dancer and shield healing so would not be opposed to playing any one of them
Monday | 8:00PM - 9:00AM |
Tuesday | 8:00PM - 9:00AM |
Wednesday | 3:00AM - 11:00AM |
Sunday | 8:00PM - 9:00AM |
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