Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionMCBlind ProgFarmProg

Preferred Content:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremes

Playable Job(s):

Recruiter Description
  English   Link to FF Logs FF Logs     Posted 3 months ago   Updated 3 months ago   Status: Unlisted

TLDR; [LFG][Static][MC][7.0][Savage][Healer]Open 7 Day/week, 6pm - midnight EST

Past Raid Leader looking to just relax. I have been a raid leader since Coil of Bahamut days, I have ran a team through all raid content until Endwalker when I decided to take a year or so break. I only cleared up to P3S before finally taking a break from FFXIV due to just burn out at the time. I have just recently come back and decided to start looking for a group to join rather than to build one so this time I can just relax and focus on trying to get better while dusting off cobwebs from not playing for so long. During my raiding years I was mostly the tank of my group, it wasn't until sometime in Shadowbringers that I switched to healer and I will admit could get better at it. I enjoy healing for raiding however I am still getting used to plotting out my heals through spreadsheets for fights. I am always willing to listen to help from my team to better myself for them, so I work well in a group willing to give advice rather than just shut a person down. I am currently looking into learning Scholar in the future but for right now I feel confident on White Mage with Sage being second, I hope to learn Scholar and Astro in the future so I will have all four as options for the future.

Monday    10:00PM - 4:00AM
Tuesday    10:00PM - 4:00AM
Wednesday    10:00PM - 4:00AM
Thursday    10:00PM - 4:00AM
Friday    10:00PM - 4:00AM
Saturday    10:00PM - 4:00AM
Sunday    10:00PM - 4:00AM

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