Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionsHCFarmProg

Preferred Content:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesMature

Playable Job(s):

Recruiter Description
Link to FF Logs FF Logs     Posted 13 hours ago   Updated 13 hours ago

TLDR; Melee dps(VPR pref) LF Hardcore week 1 prog static aiming for top 200. Late evening/nights w2+

Melee main looking for a hardcore week 1 group doing 15+ hour days hoping for a top 200 finish. I can raid any and all times week 1. Week 2+ schedule I can raid Sunday - Thursday 6:30pm PST till 2am PST. 10-20 hours a week depending on what the group wants. I would prefer a group that plans on doing DSR and TOP during downtime as I haven't done them yet but it isn't a requirement. I study a lot in my free time to make sure I am as prepared as possible. I can also stream so that we have recordings.

I cleared Arcadion day 4 doing ~8.5 hour days and got World 425th, 177th NA, 28th on Crystal, and cleared FRU on patch.

I might be able to have an alt ready for splits if that is something you want.

Savage job prefs: VPR>MNK>DRG>NIN Ultimate job prefs: MNK>DRG>NIN>VPR (I have never played monk in high end content but it seems fun and good and I want to at some point)

I am willing to DC travel wherever.

Message me on Discord if interested-Morasuellis

Monday    1:30AM - 9:00AM
Tuesday    1:30AM - 9:00AM
Wednesday    1:30AM - 9:00AM
Thursday    1:30AM - 9:00AM
Friday    7:00AM - 9:00AM
Sunday    9:00PM - 7:00AM

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