Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionOptimizationsHCMCBlind ProgFarmProg

Preferred Content:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesDungeonsDeep DungeonOld ContentTreasure Maps

Playable Job(s):

Recruiter Description
Link to FF Logs FF Logs     Posted 2 months ago   Updated 2 months ago   Status: Expired

Hello and greeting to those reviewing my worth to your team. First I would like to say that I am a PLD main, I have no issues being OT or MT. When going through fights if I am OT I push Intervention to MT to help keep them healed and assist the healers the best I can. With that said I try to keep Reprisal and Divine Veil on a same cooldown for AoE blasts. I believe Team work and Unison is the most important part for progressing and continuing on.

I am looking forward to raiding this next Tier. I also have a WHM counterpart that I raid / do content with. If you are interested you can look at her page as well.

Miri Rynendaith - (PLD) - Syntharia Rynendaith - (WHM)

Monday    10:00PM - 3:00AM
Tuesday    10:00PM - 3:00AM
Wednesday    10:00PM - 3:00AM
Thursday    10:00PM - 3:00AM
Friday    10:00PM - 3:00AM
Saturday    11:00AM - 3:00AM
Sunday    11:00AM - 3:00AM

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