Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionOptimizationHCFarm

Preferred Content:

UltimatesSavage RaidingField OperationsDungeons

Playable Job(s):

Recruiter Description
  Posted 7 days ago   Updated 7 days ago

TLDR; Flex player LF 7.2 and onwards week 1 progression, early ultimate clear(s), and split clears.

Flex player (healer preferred) LF 7.2 and onwards week 1 progression, early ultimate clear(s), and split clears. Happy to do reclears/reprog of FRU. I also have experience and skills from 9th manning/supporting WP aspirational teams but would prefer to focus on actually playing the video game instead.

Job preference - SCH > Regen > Ranged/Caster. Willing to flex roles to ranged/caster DPS or tank for the right team.

Based in PST, willing and able to take PTO for progression.

Long term, also interested in running Criterion and any new format group content but it's not a requirement for the group.

Alt available and ready (omni-healer, PCT/RDM, ranged DPS). Willing to boost a 3rd character if necessary as well.

Most Recent Experience

  • FRU - Week 2 clear.
  • AAC Light-Heavyweight - Thursday clear.
  • Epic Hero - completed AMR after returning from a break, ASS and AAI were completed in their respective release patches.
  • Anabaseios - I did not week 1 this tier as I was 9thing and expected to take the tier off. I rejoined a static and did opti runs with them starting around week 6.
  • TOP - Week 8 clear.
  • Abyssos - Monday clear. My Week 1 Abyssos group started with a handicap on Thursday instead of Tuesday due to some prior commitments I had as a 9th man, but we were still able to clear Week 1. I reformed this group for TOP where I ended up on MCH.
  • DSR - Week 8 clear.
  • Asphodelos - Friday clear.

I started raiding in Deltascape and have week 1'd every tier since Eden's Gate and cleared TEA, DSR, TOP on content, the only exception being Anabaseios which I mentioned above, where I 9th manned that tier instead and was not planning on raiding. I have experience 9th manning for WP-aspirational teams in Abyssos, TOP, and Anabaseios where I did HC hours alongside them (3 days PTO for savage, ~1 week PTO for TOP). My primary roles here were data gathering/analysis, timeline building, diagram creation, and crafting. I have also raid led several statics across a few tiers with success and met goals we had set (week 1 clears, opti/speed runs, etc).

Monday    2:00AM - 7:30AM
Tuesday    2:00AM - 7:30AM
Wednesday    2:00AM - 7:30AM
Thursday    2:00AM - 7:30AM
Friday    2:00AM - 8:00AM
Saturday    8:30PM - 8:00AM
Sunday    8:30PM - 7:30AM

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