Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionOptimizationHC

Preferred Content:

UltimatesSavage RaidingField OperationsDungeons

Playable Job(s):

Recruiter Description
  Posted 9 days ago   Updated 2 days ago

TLDR; Barrier healer LF FRU prog, week 1 progression in 7.2+, split clears. OK with FRU only team for now.

Barrier healer LF FRU prog and week 1 progression in 7.2+ and split clears. I also have experience and skills from 9th manning/supporting WP aspirational teams but would prefer to focus on actually playing the video game instead.

Job preference - SCH > SGE > Regen. Willing to flex roles to tank or ranged/caster DPS for the right team.

Based in PST, looking for front-loaded hours for FRU without taking PTO to clear as early as reasonable. Schedule is flexible -- prefer 5-6 days a week, evening weeknights + extra lockouts on Friday/Saturday/Sunday.

For prep, I am happy to reprog DSR/TOP old ultimates, farm optimization runs, stat-matched Eden re-prog, whatever works to help build rapport and team synergy. Long term, also interested in running Criterion and any new format group content.

Most Recent Experience

  • AAC Light-Heavyweight - Thursday clear.
  • Epic Hero - completed AMR after returning from a break, ASS and AAI were completed in their respective release patches.
  • Anabaseios - I did not week 1 this tier as I was 9thing and expected to take the tier off. I rejoined a static and did opti runs with them starting around week 6.
  • TOP - Week 8 clear.
  • Abyssos - Monday clear. My Week 1 Abyssos group started with a handicap on Thursday instead of Tuesday due to some prior commitments I had as a 9th man, but we were still able to clear Week 1. I reformed this group for TOP where I ended up on MCH.
  • DSR - Week 8 clear.
  • Asphodelos - Friday clear.

I have week 1'd every tier since Eden's Gate and cleared TEA, DSR, TOP on content, the only exception being Anabaseios which I mentioned above, where I 9th manned that tier instead and was not planning on raiding. I have experience 9th manning for WP-aspirational teams in Abyssos, TOP, and Anabaseios where I did HC hours alongside them (3 days PTO for savage, several more days PTO for TOP). My primary roles here were data gathering/analysis, timeline building, diagram creation, and crafting. I have also raid led several statics across a few tiers with success and met goals we had set (week 1 clears, opti/speed runs, etc).

I am interested in re-progging TOP to heal it with some friends or as pre-ulti prep, as I haven't cleared on healer.

Monday    1:00AM - 6:30AM
Tuesday    1:00AM - 6:30AM
Wednesday    1:00AM - 6:30AM
Thursday    1:00AM - 6:30AM
Friday    1:00AM - 7:00AM
Saturday    7:30PM - 7:00AM
Sunday    7:30PM - 6:30AM

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