Focus / Mindset:
MCCasualBlind ProgFarmProgBeginner-Friendly
Preferred Content:
Savage RaidingExtremesOld ContentSocialCasual/OtherLGBTQ+
Playable Job(s):
Recruiter Description
Posted 3 days ago Updated 3 days agoTLDR; Looking to help clear older content. Flexible Tank/DPS. Schedule dependent on recruitment.
Looking to help people for older content. Currently in a Static that meets on Saturday.
- Mainly Off-Tank in Static.
- More Casual/Midcore Player.
- Played through most fights with No Echo. (Static agreed to not torment ourselves through the Minimum iLvL).
- Also looking to meet new people and help out.
- Tolerant of third party tools but don't cheat or use it to be mean.
- Could care less about parses. Looking to help for understanding a fight and clearing.
Most comfortable playing Tank or any DPS. Flexible in those roles but best at: Tank - Paladin, Gunbreaker Melee - Dragoon, Viper, & Monk Caster - Summoner Ranged - Any
- Healers are a more difficult role for myself but if push come to shove, I can if no one else wants to... Best at - Scholar, White Mage
Quick List of Content Cleared (Cleared with only No Echo) Most Extreme Trials from ARR to DT. All of the "Normal" Coils of Bahamut series; this one sucks. All of the Alexander Savage Raid series; more concrete but feels way too brutal. All of Omega Savage Raid Series: Fun and Challenging.
Current Eden Prog: E4S EW Savages, DT Savages, and Ultimates untouched.
Monday | 1:00AM - 4:00AM |
Tuesday | 1:00AM - 4:00AM |
Wednesday | 1:00AM - 4:00AM |
Thursday | 1:00AM - 4:00AM |
Sunday | 1:00AM - 4:00AM |
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