Focus / Mindset:

MCCasualBlind ProgProg

Preferred Content:

Savage RaidingExtremesOld ContentTreasure Maps

Playable Job(s):

Recruiter Description
  Posted 14 days ago   Status: Expired

TLDR; [LFM][5/8][Primal][Savage][Static][7.1-7.2+][Casual-Midcore][Tank][Ranged DPS]

About us Hi Hi! < (^_^)/ Our static is recruiting members for Savage content, including current and future challenges in patch 7.2. Our current members as a team have cleared up to M1S and are starting M2S. Also, there are a few that have fully cleared this tier already. We're a laid-back group that loves to joke around but takes progression and consistency seriously.

Schedule Wednesday & Thursday: 11AM - 3PM PST Note: Depending on schedules for the week, we may add in extra full-static night on Tuesday.

Expectations Please arrive on time for raids, fully prepared by reviewing mechanics, knowing our progression point, and bringing all necessary gear, potions, and food. (Our crafters provide them if ya let us know ahead of time as well)

Take the time to practice fights in PF to keep up with the group's progress. While we understand that life happens, consistent effort is expected to maintain steady progression.

We’re active in Discord and encourage participation, but you’re welcome to join primarily for callouts and questions if that’s your preference.

Loot Loot will be distributed based on need within roles in priority DPS — Tank — Healer.

Commitment 14 weeks or full bis, whichever comes first.

Need Main Tank & Off-tank (any) Physical Ranged

Wednesday    7:00PM - 12:00AM
Thursday    7:00PM - 12:00AM

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