Focus / Mindset:
Week 1 ProgressionOptimizationHCsHCMCBlind ProgProg
Preferred Content:
UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremes
Playable Job(s):
Recruiter Description

TLDR; PLD main LF static for 7.2 savage tier, 4H-6 weekly, fri/sat/sun only
LF static for the next savage tier for clears/reclears, ideally finishing the tier within 4 weeks. Can raid 4-6 hours weekly, weekend evenings only. Also open to doing TEA (have progged to BJCC 2nd pass as OT, but I'm rusty) and new EX fights. Prefer HC/sHC group mentality, don't need to be parsers but everyone should be actively trying to improve. Open to blind prog or using resources once available. Most of my raid experience is on PLD (UWU, M1S-M3S, Dawntrail EXs, Thordan/Byakko Unreal). For SAM/WHM/SGE, I've done a bit of savage and EX on each. I would greatly prefer to play PLD or SAM though.
Available for discord VCs during raid if desired. Contact me via discord @realsoku for recruitment.
Friday | 3:00AM - 7:00AM |
Saturday | 3:00AM - 7:00AM |
Sunday | 3:00AM - 7:00AM |
Timezone Conversion Disclaimer: This recruitment is based in America/Los_Angeles.
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