Focus / Mindset:


Preferred Content:

Savage Raiding

Playable Job(s):

Recruiter Description
  English   Link to FF Logs FF Logs     Posted 5 hours ago   Updated 5 hours ago

TLDR; [NA][Static][MC] Flex gamer LF 7.0 Static


I'm looking for a static to complete the AAC-Light Heavyweight tier. I have progged up to M4S in Week 1 on WAR, however I had to take an unplanned break and dropped from my previous static. I'm free now and would like to jump back into raiding and finish the tier. Any prog point is fine with me (including fresh). I'd like to raid up to three days a week (any day is fine), for a max of three hours a raid day, equaling a total of nine hours total a week. I have a hard stop at 11pm ET so nothing past that works. I have interest in doing Ultimates and Criterion Savage, however that's not a hard requirement for any potential static. I've primarily played Tank while raiding, however I can play a variety of roles including Phys Ranged, Caster, and Melee.

I've raided since 4.2 and have cleared every tier (save for 4.4) that I've raided in. I also am a quad legend (UWU/UCoB/TEA/DSR) and a Necromancer/Lone Hero/Once and Future King. Below is more specifics about what I'd be looking for in a static. The same qualities I look for in a static, I also offer any potential static.

  • A mature group who can communicate and vibe well with one another
  • Practices the "Prog before logs" mentality when progging
  • They value each other's time and opinions
  • Don't mind meeting up on Primal, Crystal, or Dynamis if travel to Aether is impossible
  • Use logs, VoDs, and other tools to study fights and maximize prog time
  • FFLogs:
  • Tomestone:

If you think I'd be a good fit, please reach out to me on Discord: decwreck. Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and best of luck with your search.

Monday    11:00PM - 3:00AM
Tuesday    11:00PM - 3:00AM
Wednesday    11:00PM - 3:00AM
Thursday    11:00PM - 3:00AM
Friday    11:00PM - 3:00AM
Saturday    11:00PM - 3:00AM
Sunday    11:00PM - 3:00AM

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