Focus / Mindset:


Preferred Content:

Savage RaidingSocialCasual/OtherLGBTQ+Mature

Playable Job(s):

Recruiter Description
  Posted 12 hours ago   Updated 11 hours ago

TLDR; RDM/PCT looking for Friendly Casual-MC group who wants to have fun but make sure we're progging!

RDM/PCT looking for a Friendly Casual-MC group for the next expansion who wants to have fun, but also wants to make sure we're progging the fights. I want to do the next savage tier with people who also want to do it, have fun, and make sure we're all progging and studying up when material becomes available! I want to clear the fights! Would like people who are beginner friendly. Have experience doing extremes, some savage fights, and have cleared UWU. I will be progging FRU M&W with another group on the side.

There are people I can give for references to vouch for my character and experience as a player, and I can provide them if asked!

Willing to do trial runs to see if we vibe/mesh well!! I want a group where I can grow and get better overall. Can possibly bring along a healer friend too, but can give details on them if needed only upon contact. Giving my schedule/free nights as it currently stands.

can contact me via discord @ supersodapop

Tuesday    8:30PM - 11:30PM
Thursday    8:30PM - 11:30PM
Friday    8:30PM - 11:30PM

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