General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

Savage RaidingExtremesTreasure MapsSocialLGBTQ+Mature

Main Job(s):


Sleepy WHM main looking to bring the fun (and the heals). I'm a fun loving person looking for not just a static, but a friend group to CURE my boredom. I try to keep a positive attitude always, and I love to RAISE peoples spirits with jokes! Your could say I have a good PRESENCE OF MIND. HOLY moly, all puns aside I'm looking for something casual and fun! I take learning mechanics pretty seriously and I have been known to watch guides repeatedly so that I don't slow any one down. I hope you'll have me!


I first started raiding in HW as a DRG with a static, Mainly Extremes. In SB I did a bit of raiding through savages but most of that was done through party finder. The same show ShB. I took a break from FFXIV in EW and only recently came back after about 3 years! I feel like a newbie but I'm ready to learn.