General Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionsHCMCCasualBlind ProgFarmProgBeginner-Friendly

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesOld ContentLGBTQ+Mature

Main Job(s):


My name is Tetsu. I also go by Rae short for Raemie. I'm a 30-something anxiety riddled gremlin who loves throwing herself at a wall until she kills content. I'm by no means the most amazing player out there, but I do my best and I always strive to improve. I am open to constructive criticism and clear communication. I will give you 110% when I physically can do so. I have a mild form of colourblindness which can impact my performance with certain mechanics and their visibility but that has not stopped me and never will. I treat people with the same level of respect that they give me. I love being neurotic and making raid diagrams to help clarify mechanics. I join "kill" parties in PF where possible to get more practise in.

Link to FF Logs FF Logs

I've a little bit of experience from each expac as I had a lot of work related obligations that interfered. I raided Coils on release with my FC casually. I raided the first 2 tiers of Alexander when it was current content. Raided Deltascape.when it was current. Took a bit of a break due to burnout and got back into raiding more recently. I've mostly raided with a set group of players on a midcore basis (from as much as 5 days a week to as little as 3 days a week). I tend to flex and play the role that "nobody else wants to do" so we can fill the group quicker. So I've raided as many different classes at different tiers. For Dawntrail I've mainly played Summoner. I'm learning FRU as Sage with my static currently.