General Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionOptimizationHCsHCMCBlind Prog

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingLGBTQ+

Main Job(s):


Hi, I'm Shiny Chariot - Gilgamesh. I've been playing the game since ARR and have been raiding the whole time, the only real break I took was during HW. I have plenty of organizational tools if needed, and am always happy to talk out strats and what not with the group. I do enjoy being able to do other content within the group as well like savage trials, alliance raids, grinding or whatever, but am fine with just meeting up for raid nights. I've led a couple statics in the past but honestly I'm kind of burnt out from doing that and would rather just let others take the reigns at this point lol. The Mercantile#9263


As mentioned I've been consistently raiding since the release of SB, but did clear coils while they were relevant back in ARR. I have experience in UCOB, UWU, TEA and DSR, but don't have any ultimate clears yet.