General Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionOptimizationsHCMCFarmProg

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremes

Main Job(s):


As of 11/02/24, my availability is as follows:

  • Monday - 5PM - 12AM+ EST (I work from home this day and I am usually available much sooner than other days)
  • Tuesday - 6PM - 12AM+ EST
  • Wednesday - 6PM - 7:45PM EST (Lost Ark Raids start at 8)
  • Thursday - 6PM - 7:45PM EST (Lost Ark Raids start at 8)
  • Friday - 6PM - 12AM+ EST
  • Saturday - 6PM - 12AM+ EST
  • Sunday - 6PM - 12AM+ EST

I am more flexible on weekends and can raid sooner if necessary. Sometimes I have weekend-long commitments and I cannot be there for raid, but those should be known well in advance.

Link to FF Logs FF Logs
  • I have played FFXIV since 2.0 Beta and have completed all Savage tiers on-content except for 4.4, where I was anticipating quitting the game. I did not do anything after gate 1 or 2 on the 4.4 patch, then ended up coming back for 5.0

  • I have played many jobs in Savage raids, including: MNK, DRG, NIN, BRD, SMN, SCH, WHM, AST However, my preference is MNK. I do not tank.

  • I am flexible in my role, but MNK is a high preference.