General Focus / Mindset:
Speed RunningOptimizationsHCBlind ProgFarmProg
Interested In:
UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesBLUDeep DungeonOld ContentTreasure MapsLGBTQ+Mature
Main Job(s):
I suffer from something called "chronic healer main" and can't seem to escape it. These days, I prefer AST and SCH.
I've been co-leading my current static, Fight Milk, since we formed up for TEA in 2019. I typically organize our recruitment, so feel free to shoot me a message if you have any questions.
One of these days, I'll finally get around to running content other than Savage and Ultimate. For the next year or so, I'm stuck mostly raid logging due to a limited schedule.
FF LogsI've been raiding in XIV since 2.x with a few breaks here and there. I've cleared all Ultimates, including TEA, DSR and TOP while current.
If you'd like to indulge in my suffering: I finished up my 19th TOP clear and bought all of the weapons a few months before they announced that VPR and PCT would be getting TOP weapons. I'm never going back into TOP. You can't make me!
I'm looking to ramp up and clear Savage at a faster pace in DT, likely week 2. I don't take time off to raid, and I prefer a balanced schedule to prevent burnout. Honestly, I'd be happy with a week 3 clear though. I'm not in any rush