General Focus / Mindset:
MCCasualFarmProgStream TeamBeginner-Friendly
Interested In:
UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesField OperationsBLUDeep DungeonOld ContentTreasure MapsLGBTQ+Mature
Main Job(s):
Hello! I have played this game and nearly all its content since 2.1. There have been breaks in that timeframe but my appreciation for the game always keeps me coming back. I have played high level content in various roles and at various levels of seriousness. I have also done raid calls before and enjoy that aspect too if you're looking for that. Outside this game, I tend to play RPGs and shmups.

Have raided in both static and more loose formed groups for most tiers since ARR
Recruit Kurara Mamegano from one of the available listings:
MCCasualFarmProgStream TeamBeginner-Friendly
UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesField OperationsBLUDeep DungeonOld ContentTreasure MapsLGBTQ+Mature
TLDR; WHM/MCH/melee(?) longtime raider, looking for late night (PST) casual/MC group.