General Focus / Mindset:
sHCMCCasualStream Team
Interested In:
UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesTreasure MapsSocialLGBTQ+
Main Job(s):
Hello everyone Akira here. Hope to find a pretty chill static that is looking to clear things at a nice easy pace. Currently looking to join a new static for 7.2.

I have been savage raiding since Shadowbringers and have cleared all savage tiers up to 7.1. I've cleared Ucob,UwU, and FRU with previous statics that I was in. My previous statics were pretty chill raiding about 9-10 hours a week. Managed to clear tiers at a reasonable rate and cleared enough times to get everyone's BiS for their main and alt jobs.
Recruit Akira Akechi from one of the available listings:
sHCMCProgStream Team
UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesLGBTQ+Mature
TLDR; I work M-F and off at 5:30PM PST. Normally home 6:30PM PST but sometimes back at 7PM PST.