General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesField OperationsBLUOld Content

Main Job(s):


Literally the only FF game I've played other than this one is 6 lol

Mainly play GNB, but I do have a (currently slightly underleveled, mid-high 90s as of 11/17) pocket AST/NIN/PCT that I swap to sometimes for variety/playing with friends that are still behind/goofin off.

I also don't play super consistently (sometimes I play 7 nights in a row, sometimes I go 2+ weeks without logging in) cus I have a job and other interests and stuff so not aiming to be super giga hardcore with a strict raiding schedule or anything. Mostly just lookin for cool people to prog new stuff with without having to re-learn a whole party's playstyle/preferred strats every time I log on.


Only really started seriously playing the game around the start of this year so I haven't been caught up and able to do savage raids properly (aside from trolling for synced/MINE PF groups for old stuff, which doesn't really interest me) for very long. I have done every normal raid that currently exists and all the normal trials other than the SHB series, for what that's worth, I guess.

  • Beat Worqor Lar Dor EX on 9/24, something like a month after finally catching up to MSQ. Took a while to work up the nerve but I had a great time progging that despite the challenges of PF and intend to keep wading into the increasingly difficult stuff.
  • Been suffering through the 7.1 Minstrel's Ballad (or ex3 or whatever you wanna call it) on and off since update night. I have everything up through the end of phase 1 on lock and almost totally consistent, just need a group that can actually clear enrage instead of forcing me to suffer through another 6 hours of new joiners making us teach them how to do meteors and then logging off to go walk their dog and be replaced by more people who also don't know how to do meteors.
  • Did beat Byakko Unreal the day it dropped in only a couple attempts (having never seen the EX before) if that means anything.

Haven't touched M1-4S (or any ults) yet since PF for the EX trials has been actual psychological torture at times already but I want to get there eventually.