General Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionCasualProg

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesField OperationsDungeonsOld Content

Main Job(s):


hey, big ff fan. played a lot of them except for like 10-2 and the after years for 4. i want the experience of being in a party so bad fr i only know like 2 other people who play and are caught up. dedicated pure healer who is leveling ast currently and sage on my off time, leveling drk as well but no way am i tanking in endgame hard content that's a death sentence


i started with ucob and tea in like june of 2024, only really caught up to content in like may and havent had the chance to do much else. first extreme cleared that was new was valigarmanda, i've been doing old extremes and stuff unsynced since i finished shb earlier in the year. ive been drifting across party finder parties for ults and extremes and that has not been a fun experience. cant even find a good m1s party around here its tragic