General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesField OperationsDungeonsOld ContentTreasure MapsSocialCasual/OtherLGBTQ+Mature

Main Job(s):


Semi-casual raider, usually doing content whenever I have time in partyfinder. Trying to get into ultimates, as well as prog and clear new tiers as they come out, preferably clearing within the first month of release if I can do so.

Willing to try a few different positions and jobs for fights, but would prefer to stay on MCH since that's what I'm most comfortable with at the moment.

Link to FF Logs FF Logs

Started raiding during the later parts of Anabaseios, cleared P9-P11s before Echo was implemented, and progged most of P12S before Echo, clearing shortly afterwards.

Cleared M1-M4S within 3 months of the tier releasing, partially took so long due to scheduling and lack of good partyfinders, as well as me just procrastinating a lot.

Currently on Mirror Mirror for FRU, hoping to try progging more and clearing before 7.2 releases.


Recruit Phoenix Roseblood from one of the available listings:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesField OperationsDungeonsOld ContentTreasure MapsSocialCasual/OtherLGBTQ+Mature
TLDR; Looking to do next tier savage and ultimates, preferably as MCH/phys ranged, but can be flexible.