General Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionSpeed RunningOptimizationsHCMCCasualFarmProgStream TeamBeginner-Friendly

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesField OperationsDungeonsPvPDeep DungeonOld ContentTreasure MapsSocialCasual/OtherLGBTQ+Mature

Main Job(s):



Hello, My name is shixn. I am coming back from taking a 1 year break from ffxiv, I recently just finished the main msq for dawntrail as well leveling up all my jobs to 100. Before I took my break I was a semi active raider I as well been in multiple statics.

About Me

I would say I am a semi serious player, I often try my hardest learning mechs and my proper rotation. I do also normal content and enjoy playing with other people, that'd be doing casual content, hardcore content and lots more. I often provide insightful info either about rotations or mechs in fights, I help people with there rotation, armor BiS and lots more using calculators and other sites.

What am I doing now?

Right now I am semi catching up with 7.1 before 7.2 releases, right now I am leveling up all my jobs to 100 as well doing fates for gemstones so I can get stuff for raiding mats.

What do I provide?

What makes an okay-ish player? Well, I think I can play all roles in a hardcore/semi hardcore way. I have a main in every role as well I am willing to learn new jobs for the raid if needed to be, I am very flexible to what I play and open to anything that will assist the raid or anyone. If needed to be I can even share clips on how to do mechs and so on, I've done so in the past. I as well try and help the crafters in the static/guild to ease the burden of trying to gather everything by themselves, that be from gemstone farming or if I can, gather stuff myself to trade off.

What am I most comfortable playing

I can play all roles around equal level but for jobs I can play.

  • Tanks: GNB/PLD
  • M DPS: VPR
  • Healer: SCH/SGE
  • (subject to change ofc)

Anything else?

I'll be down for really anything else that is not raiding related, that'd be from doing casual content, hanging out, relics etc etc. I am a-okay moving to different servers if need be and what not, as well other stuff that'd provide stuff that'd be more easier for people. My time zone is PST, I am often free anytime AFTER 3PM PST I farm for lots of glamour, that be from past savage raids or what not, so I'll always be happy to farm for glams I do wanna maybe learn how to RP, as well I am okay with all people, furries, lgbtq+ and lots lots more, I don't ever wanna judge people, I gladly accept anyone and who they are, I try my best to be respectful.


My discord is net_shuma if you have any questions for me. Thank you.

Link to FF Logs FF Logs

Cleared Abyssos {Top 800 GNB}

Week 1 Cleared Kokytos

Did some WoW raiding as rouge