General Focus / Mindset:

Week 1 ProgressionSpeed RunningsHCBlind ProgProg

Interested In:

UltimatesSavage RaidingLGBTQ+Mature

Main Job(s):


Omni-flex, DPS-pref high-end raider who gets really really fixated on raids and memorizes every mechanic in the game for fun

Link to FF Logs FF Logs
  • Triple legend, week 4 m4s clear in PF, cleared m3s week 1 with 100% blind prog (in PF). Narrowly missed a week 2 m4s PF clear because of Sunrise Sabbath
  • Started raiding in 6.4 (Anabaseios), cleared in PF though I had a static. I was in charge of getting taxis every Tuesday morning to skip the early fights. After clearing p12s, I went back and cleared all of p1-8s in under a week
  • Day 1 blind EX clears since Rubicante unless otherwise planned with a static (Sphene, Golbez)
  • Fully blind-progged two Criterion dungeons in about two lockouts each (with a mini-static)
  • Cleared UCOB, UWU and TEA between 7.0 and 7.15 (progged UCOB before DT came out, TEA and UWU were from fresh). Have since become a PF helper for TEA c4x parties