General Focus / Mindset:
Interested In:
Savage RaidingExtremesField OperationsOld ContentLGBTQ+
Main Job(s):
Hello! I am a Red Mage main that likes to engage in challenging content. I can also flex to healer and phys ranged if need be. However, I prefer to play RDM if anything.
I am a college student that works part time and will be prioritizing that after the first week or two of savage.

I began to raid during Asphodelos right after completing the entire MSQ for the first time. I spent a decent amount of time progging through party finder before deciding to just get a static to finish off the tier.
In the same timeframe, I also joined a MINE/Blind group that began to prog all previous extremes and savages starting with the ones in ARR. We have decided to take a break after Brute Justice and Abyssos came out and we haven’t got together since.
Relatively, Abyssos did not take me as long to clear as the others. I pfed the first three fights and got to enrage on the fourth during the first two weekends it came out. While I probably could have finished the entire fight with another, I decided to wait and help my savage static catch up instead. I did shield heal this tier, but it was mainly due to my savage static needing one and I just happened to also be proficient with it.
Anabaseios was a fun tier and didn't really take that long to clear. I only did a few clears for the static I was in-- enough so that everyone got the mount and whatever gear they needed.
The first 4 Arcadion raids took a very little amount of time to prog and clear-- I had seen enrage by the end of the first week and cleared the tier week 2 with the rest of my savage group.