General Focus / Mindset:
Week 1 ProgressionSpeed RunningOptimizationHCsHCMCFarmProgStream Team
Interested In:
UltimatesSavage RaidingOld Content
Main Job(s):
Hi, I'm a longtime MMO enjoyer mainly looking for a static for at least one of the following: prog DSR or TOP, farm FRU for totems, and/or for 7.2 savage week 1 clear.
I have been high-end raiding in WoW for 8+ years running (finished US 25th this tier), so unfortunately I cannot do Tuesday nights. I am available literally any other time/day.
I learn extremely quickly and am one of the most consistent players in any game I play. I always put in the time and work to make sure of that. As such, I always welcome constructive criticism and discussion - I have a mic and am willing to use discord/VC.
I am most comfortable as pranged, caster, or WHM but am willing to learn any job/role as needed (I have BiS for WHM, BRD, RDM, and PCT; missing 735 ilvl weapons for other pranged, other casters, and other healers).
Feel free to add/message me on discord: mooshing
FF LogsI first started playing FFXIV at EW launch.
- progged and cleared P1-4S as NIN with a MC static; also got Necromancer during this tier.
- had to take a break from raiding due to IRL issues but got Once and Future Queen during this time.
- came back for DT; progged and cleared both UWU and TEA as MCH in pf before 7.0.5.
- progged and cleared M1-4S as WHM with a MC static.
- progged and cleared FRU week 3 in pf.