General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

Savage RaidingExtremesDeep Dungeon

Main Job(s):


I am a beginner when it comes to gearing and doing savage and extremes, but with a good group and a mental Teacher I am a fast learner. If you can point out what I am doing wrong and being it to me kindly I will be willing to try and fix it as fast as possible.

I tried raiding with my fc but it fell through really fast after about 3 weeks at the last tier of Endwalker, so I have never cleared a savage.

I am a pretty decent white mage, and I main Dark Knight and Machinist. Looking for a group probably on primal but I will travel for the raid night to any on The USA data center.

But looking for a group that will take a beginner.


The only raiding I did was A9 in endealker and we got halfway through the fight.