General Focus / Mindset:
sHCBlind ProgFarmProg
Interested In:
UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesSocialLGBTQ+Mature
Main Job(s):
Heya, the name is Nix. I'm currently looking for a static to join to clear the new tier and the ones coming after. I would like to clear the fights faster than slower. My preference would be a group that can have fun but is also able to lock in when its required. Blind prog is also high on priority but not a requirement. My times are somewhat flexible only having dnd sesh over the weekend. If I somehow caught your attention you can find me on discord under: eksdii

Started raiding in EW had prior experience on a wow private server, cleared p1s-p3s as gunbreaker, p9s-p12s as samurai and m1s-m4s on black mage.
Recruit Nix Brightward from one of the available listings:
sHCBlind ProgProg
UltimatesSavage RaidingSocialLGBTQ+Mature
TLDR; LF static for next tiers savage/ultimate, pref blind, schedule mostly flexible, sHC