General Focus / Mindset:
CasualBlind ProgFarmProgBeginner-Friendly
Interested In:
UltimatesSavage RaidingExtremesDungeonsOld ContentTreasure MapsSocialCasual/OtherLGBTQ+Mature
Main Job(s):
Hello! My name is Xeno! I'm honestly just looking for a casual set of people I can properly prog with and can handle my silly little questions since I tend to forget the little things. I'm an eager learner ready to clear some fights and have fun doing it :) I'm ALWAYS seeking improvement. I'm a dancer player willing to attempt to learn other classes if the group is patient enough to let me struggle.
FF LogsThis is my first raiding tier, so I'm fairly new to the harder content scene but I like to think I pick things up quickly once explained to me, and I don't shy away from asking questions so I can improve. I started late Shadowbringers!