General Focus / Mindset:


Interested In:

UltimatesPvPOld ContentSocial

Main Job(s):


About Me :

  • I'm an optimist.
  • I Like Being Organized. I'd often stare at an excel sheet for hours trying to study mitigation sheets for the fights (since I was a Tank Main). I am familiar with healer mitigations / resources and can help with planning out mitigation plan for optimizations. This is also how I master boss mechanics.
  • Goal Oriented. Outside raid, I put effort on items I need to work on and create a goal to reach for every raid sessions.
  • I am open to Value Constructive Criticism. If you tell me what I'm doing wrong, I will 100% love you because I need to know how I can improve.
  • I Listen first, before I voice out.

Things I HATE / I dont like :

  • Ad Hominem
Link to FF Logs FF Logs

Midcore Static Role : Tank - PLD (Rotating between MT and OT) Duration : 9 Months (On and Off) Tier : Asphodelos | 3 months Tier clear Tier : Abyssos | 2 Weeks to clear P5S and P6S. Disbanded after 2 weeks due to internal conflicts

Notes : Took us super long because of breaks in between and constantly recruiting ppl as our slots were also constantly open.

Semi-Hardcore Ultimate Static Role : DRG Duration : Current

Notes : Currently hosting this static as Static Lead. We're purely doing Ultimates, currently progging UwU. Titan Cleanup on Day 4 (12 Total raid hours)